Sharing experience in controlling industrial risks using Smart O&M
Safety is number one.
Since its creation in 2004, Siveco China has been relentlessly emphasizing the relationship between HSE, Maintenance and Asset Management and developing specific solutions to address these needs. The regulatory and enforcement strengthening of recent years provided a welcome boost to our business. Today, most customers who contact Siveco China are motivated by HSE concerns, regulatory compliance or customer pressure on the same topics.
In September, Siveco China has been very active in offline and online events promoting the company’s approach and solutions to improve safety in China and Southeast Asia. In this article we summarize some of our recent activities and list previous articles of interest.
Article in the Asia Pacific Urban Energy Association magazine
Siveco China made a strong showing in the September 2021 issue of the Asia Pacific Urban Association (APUEA) magazine, with an article by our Managing Director on “Controlling your industrial risks”. The article in English only is available here.

A short summary is provided here:
In a context of repeated industrial accidents in Southeast Asia and the continuing pandemic, the author points out that most accidents are related to maintenance. HSE and maintenance are intertwined and must be managed accordingly. Maintenance standards offer practical methodologies to tackle safety management. 4.0 is not a magic wand but can help create a feedback loop between workers and managers. The article concludes that the best time to act is now, especially in times of crisis.
This article was followed by a customer case study “Chinese storage terminal takes risk management to world-class level with bluebee®”. This is a shorter version of two previously published stories: Storage terminal takes risk & asset management to world-class level with bluebee® cloud and Achieving Better Risk Prevention in Chinese Terminals.
Webinar on Controlling Industrial Risks in South East Asia
On August 13, Siveco China and various South East Asia partners (Acoem, Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Matcor-Cetim and the APUEA) held a webinar on a similar topic “Controlling your industrial risks: case studies during Covid-19 times”. During this event, aimed at industrial companies in Southeast Asia, our Managing Director covered:
- How to set up risk prevention management systems in line with ISO 31000 and ISO 55000?
- How to design and deploy a smart O&M solution to enforce and demonstrate compliance
- Case studies of achieving Risk Prevention in Asia infrastructures and plants

The replay (English only) is available here.
Conference on Environment, Health and Safety: What Do We Need to Know
In China, our company has long emphasized the topic of HSE. During 2021, we co-organized a long series of seminar on this theme with various industrial associations and partners all over China. On September 29, our Managing Director was invited by the Italian Chamber of Commerce in China to speak on “EHS: Environment, Health and Safety | What Do We Need to Know”.

In this conference, two other speakers introduced the session respectively from a legal and audit standpoint. Our speaker made the point that EHS was too important a matter to leave it to EHS people. He highlighted the complexity of the problem and the necessity to consider human factors in the specific industrial context of China. He emphasized the need for a prioritized risk management approach with a continuous improvement loop between grassroot workers and top managers. He shared his experience of how to implement such a loop by combining practical standards and digital “Smart Operation & Maintenance” tools. Finally, he mentioned many real-life examples of how companies have used this approach to ensure and demonstrate EHS compliance in China.
Previous articles on HSE
A recap of previously published articles looking at HSE from various angles: