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Coswin: “Non-standard” functions as buttons

Posted on 2014-02-28

Coswin: “Non-standard” functions as buttons

This article is in a series of very short and practical Coswin Tips & Tricks, which Coswin users can start using right away. Since version 7.4, Coswin screen editor allows you to place a “non-standard” function directly into a screen as a button.

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Coswin: Equipment groups in Coswin

Posted on 2013-12-20

Coswin: Equipment groups in Coswin

This article is the first in a series of very short and practical Coswin Tips & Tricks, which Coswin users can start using right away. In Coswin, Job Guidelines are assigned to a single equipment code. Consequently, one work order is created for each intervention (which may include several actions) on an equipment. However, it is very common that preventive maintenance tasks are very short, for example technicians perform checks on multiple equipments during their inspection rounds. With one work order for each equipment, managing inspections work would become overwhelming very...

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Coswin Light

Posted on 2013-11-28

Coswin Light

Coswin Light is an easy-to-install prepackaged CMMS, which is installed on the customer’s own PC-server, requiring little consulting services so the focus can remain on maintenance improvement and coaching services. Coswin Light derives from Coswin 7i, one of the world’s leading maintenance management systems.

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Using bluebee® cloud on a touch-screen

Posted on 2013-10-31

Using bluebee® cloud on a touch-screen

Did you know that bluebee® cloud could be used on a touch-screen? Did you think of the possible applications of this built-in capability?

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Using bluebee® for commissioning support

Posted on 2013-06-27

Using bluebee® for commissioning support

In the commissioning phase of a project, technical teams are equipped with bluebee® devices, allowing them to report progress and non-compliances, with direct access to the back-office databases.

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bluebee®: Mobile tracking

Posted on 2013-05-30

bluebee®: Mobile tracking

This month’s Tips & Tricks article features the mobile tracking functionality of bluebee® cloud. With bluebee® mobile tracking, large field service organizations can track technician’s movements and activities on a map.

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