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Coswin: Equipment groups in Coswin

This article is the first in a series of very short and practical Coswin Tips & Tricks, which Coswin users can start using right away.


In Coswin, Job Guidelines are assigned to a single equipment code. Consequently, one work order is created for each intervention (which may include several actions) on an equipment. However, it is very common that preventive maintenance tasks are very short, for example technicians perform checks on multiple equipments during their inspection rounds. With one work order for each equipment, managing inspections work would become overwhelming very quickly.


An appropriate solution is to create equipment groups through the dedicated function available in Coswin. A group consists in related equipment, for example belonging to the same inspection round. It is then possible to assign a job guideline to an equipment group. As a result, work can be managed using only one work order for the entire round, which is very convenient for end users.


This function allows users to manage costs, contracts, equipment status, attributes and calendar for each equipment group defined in Coswin.


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