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Standard Reports Library for Smart O&M solutions

Posted on 2022-09-22

Standard Reports Library for Smart O&M solutions

This article features the Standard Reports Library of our Smart O&M solutions, an optional package which can be purchased and used immediately.

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Demo movie: practical use of BIM for O&M

Posted on 2022-02-28

Demo movie: practical use of BIM for O&M

How could the BIM model be made available to technicians when it is truly needed (for example to prepare complex work and ensure safe actions) and where it is needed (for example starting from work instructions displayed on a mobile device)? Since 2011, Siveco China has conducted R&D in its Shanghai bluebee® lab to address the emerging needs of BIM for O&M. In this 2-min video, we will show how to use a BIM model embedded in bluebee® X in practice for real O&M work.

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Integrate 3D digital models into Coswin 8i

Posted on 2022-02-28

Integrate 3D digital models into Coswin 8i

All Siveco Group digital products based on Coswin 8i and bluebee® are designed to integrate BIM models to address your operational and maintenance needs. Building Information Modeling (BIM) refers to a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. This Tips & Tricks article looks more particularly at BIM in our CMMS Coswin 8i.

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Siveco China proudly supports the 2nd French Eco-City Club in China Seminar

Posted on 2021-11-22

Siveco China proudly supports the 2nd French Eco-City Club in China Seminar

On November 4, the French Eco-City Club in China, which gathers leading companies involved in sustainable urban development, held its general assembly, followed by a public seminar on the theme of “Solutions for a Low-Carbon City”. Siveco China chose to support the event as main sponsor, to showcase the company’s long involvement in the Chinese environmental and energy market.

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Sharing experience in controlling industrial risks using Smart O&M

Posted on 2021-10-14

Sharing experience in controlling industrial risks using Smart O&M

Siveco China made a strong showing in the September 2021 issue of the Asia Pacific Urban Association (APUEA) magazine, with an article by our Managing Director on “Controlling your industrial risks”.

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bluebee® at Smart Factory Kunshan

Posted on 2021-10-14

bluebee® at Smart Factory Kunshan

We have implemented bluebee® – Siveco China’s proven and scalable maintenance software at Smart Factory Kunshan. You’re welcome to experience this interesting real-life use case at your next visit.

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