Don’t forget maintenance improvement for left-over 2015 budgets and for 2016!

Do you have leftover budgets for this year? Have you budgeted maintenance projects in 2016? Have you thought about using it to run a maintenance improvement project, in the form of an audit, Coswin 8i upgrade, the implementation of bluebee®, etc.? It is not too late! Make sure you did not forget to budget for your annual Siveco support contract (enhanced or not), for planned expansion of system usage or additional services, etc.
read moreThe 3 reasons maintenance managers enjoyed upgrading to Coswin 8i

The main reason to upgrade from Coswin 7i to Coswin 8i is to further improve maintenance performance – at every level. As part of our 2015 Summer Roadshow, we have talked with many customers already using Coswin 8i and asked them what they liked in the new version, and why was it worth upgrading. Here is their feedback! Recognizing that different people have different needs and views, we are preparing similar articles from the perspective of IT managers and top managers.
read moreUsing Coswin 8i on a tablet

Coswin 8i is now accessible on tablets. In touch-screen mode, Coswin 8i screens are optimized for the tablets smaller screen format and specific touch-screen usage with fingers. Coswin 8i is certified for Windows 7 & 8 and Android 4.2 and above tablets, running Chrome version 30 or above. Screen should be minimum 7’’ (10’’ recommended).
read moreFlexibility of Coswin 8i

Today, maintenance processes are no longer limited to the factory or the maintenance department: they are collaborative. For this reason, Coswin 8i Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) allows for interactions with other applications and Siveco provides a range of standard tools to integrate the system into the corporate IT environment.
read moreFeatures of Coswin 8i

Coswin 8i is a Computerized Maintenance Management System and Enterprise Asset Management solution designed to help companies increase their profitability, by improving the management of corporate assets, increasing employees’ productivity and reducing costs, while ensuring regulatory compliance.
read moreCoswin 8i equipment structure

The equipment structure has been totally rebuilt in Coswin 8i. Now the structure is displayed within a table, where each line represents an equipment object, either geographical or technical. This structured equipment list can be filtered by zone, function or even by category.
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