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Welcome to our 100th Smart O&M newsletter!

The newsletter started in 2010 on a simple idea. As the Siveco China team was growing, we were producing more and more information that had to be shared between us: customer stories, reliability or CMMS tips, dos and don’ts, professional viewpoints on industry news, new product features etc.
read moreImprovement from CMMS: what do best-in-class companies do

The last “Maintenance in China” survey, conducted in 2017 and covering over 450 companies, provides useful insights. We republish here a summary of the findings and expand on what best-in-class companies (those with the best performance according to their survey results) have done to obtain such results.
read moreBaosteel Packaging improves reliability with Maintenance 4.0 (video case study)

The film demonstrates how Siveco solutions support the implementation of the maintenance strategy defined by Baosteel Packaging, with comprehensive and standardized business processes at working level and at management level, based on Coswin 8i and bluebee®.
read moreThe bluebee® for WeChat mini-app

The bluebee® mini-app is designed for users dealing with simple repetitive tasks, such as cleaning routines, security rounds, assets inventory, patrols, HSE checkpoints, etc. Users simply “work & scan” to demonstrate compliance. Data is immediately synchronized centrally.
read moreSmart Asset Life Cycle Management: feedback on the International Solid Waste Management Summit 2019

The International Solid Waste Management Summit 2019 was held in Shanghai on June 12-14, attracting a large numbers of industry professionals from leading waste management companies. Siveco China team joined this big gathering of the waste industry to share our perspectives on smart asset lifecycle management.
read more2018 Customer Satisfaction Survey Report

In this month’s newsletter, we are pleased to share the results of our 2018 customer satisfaction survey, which focuses customers under support. The purpose of the survey is to constantly improve our customer service and to identify customer long-term needs.
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