Coswin: Prevent changes on Work Order comments
This article is part of a series of very short and practical Coswin Tips & Tricks, which Coswin users can start using right away.
Did you know that you could set Coswin to disallow changes in comments already entered on a Work Order? Users can enter comments on Work Orders at different stages (including during execution on bluebee® mobiles). Once saved, comments can usually be modified. It is however possible to change the setting and forbid any change to existing comments.

This is achieved by setting the parameter “Split WO notes”. It is found in: Tools > Parameters > Maintenance tab > WO – Parameters>. It is the first parameter in the list. Just tick to activate this option.
Once activated, to prevent changes to comments already entered, comments are split in two different areas:
– On the left, an input area
– On the right, an area showing the entire history of comments
– On the right, an area showing the entire history of comments

Users input comments on the left. When the WO is saved, the comment is moved to the right, prefixed by the user signature (which is setup in Tools > Security Profiles > Users), with a time stamp.
When the option is not active (not ticked):
Users can input in the left area, automatically copied to the right area, or can input directly in the right area.
Users can input in the left area, automatically copied to the right area, or can input directly in the right area.
When the option is active (ticked):
Users can only input in the left area. It is not possible to modify comments on the right.
Users can only input in the left area. It is not possible to modify comments on the right.
Remark on using Coswin Resource Editor to customize the WO screen:
If the administrator has removed the left input area using COSWIN Resource Editor (the area is called “FeedbackNotes”), the “Split WO notes” option should not be activated otherwise users will not be able to input any comment! The right area is known as “NoteHelpers” in Resource Editor and should be shown on the screen when “Split WO notes” is activated.
For more on this and other parameters, we encourage you to read the Coswin online help: just position your mouse cursor on the screen and press F1.