Benefits from Siveco Enhanced Support Contracts, visiting clients in Guangdong

The scope of Siveco’s Enhanced Support Contract has been covered in previous articles. Over the years more and more clients have joined the program, benefiting from it in various ways. For this month’s Reliability article, we would like to feature two practical examples from clients we recently visited during the week-long visit of Siveco’s Operation Director Guillaume Gimonet and Customer Service Manager Sunny Wang in Guangdong province in early April.
read moreRecap of 2014 projects: example of multisite automotive project

This month we would like to share another example of multisite maintenance improvement project, this time in the automotive industry. Although discrete manufacturing is considered less maintenance-intensive than process industries, maintenance can have a tremendous impact. This is especially true of automotive suppliers, facing stringent requirements for quality and just-in-time delivery from automakers, their clients.
read moreExperience sharing with industry parks and associations

In this month’s Partner article, we feature a very different type of Siveco partner. Over the years, Siveco China has been known to very actively promote maintenance best practices and knowledge sharing in various forums. Our senior managers have spoken at numerous industry conferences, usually not to make a sales pitch, but instead to share case studies and to initiate discussions with the audience.
read moreDegremont & Siveco team up to provide maintenance improvement services for water treatment plants in China

Degrémont, a subsidiary of SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT, is teaming up with Siveco China, China’s largest maintenance consultancy, to provide maintenance improvement services for water treatment plants.
read moreVisit to Saint-Gobain Proppants in Guanghan: 60% maintenance cost reduction per ton in 3 years!

Siveco China’s General Manager Bruno Lhopiteau paid a visit to our customer Saint-Gobain Proppants in Guanghan, Sichuan province. The plant, producing ceramic proppants for the oil & gas drilling market, started production in 2006. It employs 50 people in the maintenance team.
read moreSiveco’s mid-size customers in China (Part 2)

Last month’s Customer Story provided glimpses into some of Siveco’s small-to-mid size customers that benefit from our prepackaged approach to CMMS (Coswin Light). This month, we publish the second part with 5 more customer short stories.
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