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Coswin: Personalisation tools

Posted on 2016-05-31

Coswin: Personalisation tools

This months tips & tricks covers the powerful “personalisation” tools of Coswin, which we use to simply the user interface of the system and prove to be immensely valuable for projects in China, where many maintenance staff may have never used a CMMS before. Customers can make further use of those tools to modify or improve their user interface in the future, without involvement from Siveco.

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COSWIN: Diagrams, your imagination is the limit

Posted on 2010-03-16

COSWIN: Diagrams, your imagination is the limit

As Siveco customers already know, COSWIN was designed with a very intuitive “job-oriented” user interface. Unlike accountants and other corporate staff, who are used to spend most of their day at the office using software like Excel, we maintenance engineers have much less patience with IT! If the system is not extremely easy to use, chances are that technicians won’t use it…

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