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How to do business with Siveco: join our Value Added Partner Program!

Our Value Added Partner Program was first introduced in a June 2010 newsletter article “An introduction to Siveco Value Added Partner Program (VAPP)” and various Siveco partners have been showcased in previous issues. Over the months, we have received requests from potential partners on our website and VAPP contact address (, usually well established companies, some of them have since become partners. We have observed, however, that smaller players may be reluctant to contact us, not realizing how they could work with Siveco.


This short article aims at reviewing the different levels of partnerships available, with a focus on finding practical ways to develop business together. For a better understanding of Siveco’s overall partnership approach, we strongly recommend that you read the article “An introduction to Siveco Value Added Partner Program (VAPP)”.


VAPP levels


Introductory Partner


An Introductory Partner gives us information on a prospect, it is an information-giver that does not really involve in the sales cycle other than helping us to contact key people and arrange meetings. The contract is signed by Siveco and a commission is paid to partner.


Sales Partner


Sales Partners remain involved in the entire sales cycle to ensure that Siveco secures the deal. The contract is signed by Siveco and a commission is paid to partner, depending on their actual involvement.




Distributors have the full capability to sell and implement our systems with support from Siveco. Contract is signed by distributor, who then purchases software and services from Siveco at a specified discount rate.


Solution Partner


Solution partners provide solutions and services which are complementary to those of Siveco. They sometimes may act as subcontractors and takes one of roles above.


The main characteristics of VAPP levels are summarized in the table below:
  Involves in the sales process: Signs contract with customer Gets paid a commission Purchases from Siveco
Business introduction Entire sales process Delivery process
Introductory Partner Yes No No No Yes No
Sales Partner Yes Yes No No Yes No
Distributor Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Solution Partner Can take any of the roles above
Note that it is possible for a partner to combine more than one level, for example Introductory Partner and Solution Partner. All levels are part of VAPP and receive a VAPP certificate signed by Siveco.


Our partnership philosophy


Siveco has developed a very practical philosophy aimed at maximizing benefits for customer, partner and Siveco (“win-win-win”).


–  Even with a good business plan, the most important is to start working together on the first project. Without first project, there will never be a second one.
–  Siveco will work closely with partner during the sales cycle, even if partner is leading the sales effort.
–  Partners can move from one level to another as their business expands.
–  Siveco will not develop competing partnership, unless of course the partnership has failed and is cancelled.


Steps for joining VAPP


Depending on the VAPP level, the program includes several components:


a. First meeting – assessment of partner and Siveco (“Can we work together successfully?”)


–  Presentation of partner
–  Presentation of Siveco and VAPP


b. Decision to work together (Yes/No)


c. Strategy meeting (“How are we going to work together?”)


–  Define objectives
–  Define strategy and business plan
–  Define action plan, with target and milestones (check-points)


d. Sign partnership agreement, deliver VAPP certificate


e. Rollout action plan (joint marketing/sales activities)


Training and certification


The VAPP involves a training and certification program, depending on levels. Training is provided as classroom training, either specific for one partner or for a group of partners, or on-the-job training (advanced) during implementation projects. Training schedule and costs, if any, will be provided by Siveco at the beginning of each quarter.


What to do now?


You have a business opportunity you want to talk to? You want to know how we could work together? Please contact our VAPP manager at

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