The 2015 Customer Satisfaction Survey Report
In this month’s newsletter, we are pleased to share the results of our 2015 customer satisfaction survey, with very good results overall and interesting improvement ideas. The survey is conducted yearly as part of our ISO 9001 quality management system.
Respondent profile

High satisfaction rate
Siveco’s project delivery is unique in our industry, as it combines maintenance consulting services, the use of IT tools to deliver maintenance improvement and long term support.

Perception varies with respondent position
Detailed analysis shows our ROI-driven approach tends to be valued by top managers, who usually initiate the project based on their industrial objectives, but is sometimes less understood by end-users and IT. This year again, the survey results reflect this particular challenge we face in our projects to conciliate top management and users’ needs.
Strong demand for more training
There is overwhelming demand for more training in our projects, which again reflects an end-user request, while top managers on the other end usually require to cut down the number of man days during negotiation, insisting that more work will be done by internal teams. Survey result will help us promote the need for more services during projects.

Additional support services required
Many respondents express different needs that are not normally part of software support contracts and are also not covered by Siveco’s Enhanced Maintenance Support.

Siveco newsletter

Again, readers in top management positions and maintenance experts are in general more interested in the Siveco newsletter than engineers or IT. This perhaps reflects the newsletter current focus on improvement topics rather than pure technical issues.
Improvement actions
The purpose of the survey is to constantly improve our customer service. As a result of this survey, immediate actions have been taken to contact clients in need of specific support. Improvement actions for 2016 have been defined:
• Define communication procedures to ensure that the needs of top managers, operation & maintenance managers, but also end-users and IT are covered during all project phases.
• Propose more training and coaching to customers as part of the project, using this survey’s findings to prove the importance of such training.
• Reinforcement of the support team to ensure speedier service (with 5 full-time staff, Siveco China support team is already the largest by far among CMMS suppliers in China).
• Offer additional value-added training service to customers under support, in the form of regular training programs and seminars, as well as sharing sessions at the Siveco office.
• Propose new services, which are not normally part of support contracts, as listed in the survey responses.
• Improve reliability of new products through testing. Reduce customization in projects, as it is a major contributor to problems and often turns out not to be needed.
• Products improvement focused on usability and user-friendliness, many of which have already been launched, such as the use of Bluetooth Beacon, bluebee® job requests on Wechat, bluebee® cloud and Coswin 8i integration with BIM & 3D models:

We would like to thank all the respondents and wish for continuing successful cooperation in 2016!
The full report (public version) can be downloaded here. All clients have already received a more complete version of the report.