2022 Customer Satisfaction Survey Report
In this month’s newsletter, we are pleased to share the results of our 2022 customer satisfaction survey, audited in March 2023 by Bureau Veritas.
As part of the ISO 55000-driven approach advocated by Siveco China, alignment between management and end-users, between strategic goals and execution, is essential. This survey is designed accordingly.
Respondent profile

Benefits obtained
The top three benefits are: 1. Better knowledge of our assets 2. Improved work efficiency and quality 3. Improved corporate image (showcasing best practices, modern systems).

Satisfaction with products

Satisfaction with support
In 2022, we receive on average 98% of positive feedback on Siveco China support services.

As in previous years, customers highly value services that are not part of traditional software support.

Project Delivery
The section is for projects that went live during 2022, demonstrating the Feedback on project delivery from the three dimensions of communication skills, technical expertise and training performed.

The responses showed that 85% respondents say that all objectives have been met upon “Go Live”. Activities after Go Live (babysitting sessions, regular follow-up and coaching, annual assessments, support) are covered under the Support section.
As a result of this survey, improvement actions for 2023 have been defined based on our findings and will be managed by our Customer Service team as part of the company’s quality management process. A more detailed report has been sent to all customers, along with a list of improvement actions taken in 2022 (based on last year’s survey) and actions planned for 2023.
We sincerely thank all our clients and welcome new customers to join our result-driven community!
In upcoming newsletters, we will look deeper into the factors impacting customer satisfaction and lessons learnt.