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On the Belt & Road: Q&A with Brazilian hydropower company PCH

In 2019, State Grid Brazil Holding selected Siveco to implement its maintenance management solution across a dozen subsidiaries and majority-owned concessions. Created in 2007, three years after Siveco China, in Rio de Janeiro, Siveco Brazil provides sales, consulting, installation, training and technical support for customers locally. Siveco solutions are fully localized for the Brazilian market. Siveco Brazil and China have enjoyed, for many years, a close cooperation targeting global manufacturing groups and public infrastructures.
read moreRelease of bluebee® X the new generation Smart O&M platform

On November 13, 2020 Siveco, the pioneer of Smart O&M, officially released the new generation of its flagship bluebee® software suite, code-named bluebee® X, during its annual customers event in Kunshan, China.
read moreA flurry of activity aimed at promoting good asset management practices

As part of its COVID-19 crisis plan, announced in February 2020, Siveco has increased its investment in the Chinese market. The company made the strategic decision to provide extra funding not only for R&D but also for marketing activities.
read moreHow to measure the success of a CMMS implementation

It is often said that maintenance digitalization projects have a very low success rate. Often managed by IT, most CMMS or EAM projects result in systems that maybe work from a technical standpoint (users can login and access the various functions) but cannot be used in practice (data not accurate, no useful reports, inconvenient user interfaces). Obviously such system does not help the company achieve any industrial improvement.
read moreA few words on cybersecurity compliance in China

Clients not located in the People’s Republic of China might still find this article relevant as it highlights Siveco’s compliance to some of the world’s strictest cybersecurity and personal information protection laws, those of China and the European Union.
read moreKeep going

Historically (and Siveco already has 35 years of history, 16 of which in China), economic crises are favorable to the growth of maintenance-related business, as many companies will focus on optimizing existing assets. It is too early to tell, but we indeed see encouraging signs, such as a marked increase in the number of incoming enquiries to our marketing, both for China and overseas market (Southeast Asia and Africa).
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