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When they saw the star

This Christmas time is the best ever for us at Siveco: Christmas is about family and we have been blessed with many newborn babies. Our Christmas tree will see 12 presents this year and next year, for the first time, we will have enough kids big enough to enjoy a real Christmas party for the Siveco families.


A short note on business at the end of the year. As many companies have experienced, 2014 has been a slow year, in part due to a welcome tightening of some government regulations. The last quarter finally saw a rebound and really good signs of long term growth. A major challenge for us remains the lack of competitors, in most cases we compete with “doing nothing” or “doing later”, or in some cases with IT providers that never seem to deliver anything of value, meaning that our projects get delayed rather than lost. Since we have been here 10 years, those customers usually come back to us after a while and are happy to find we are still around… The same familiar Siveco faces. See, I told you family was important!


This month we are pleased to feature a Customer Story of SITA Waste Services, our first client in Taiwan. The Renwu incinerator is the second SITA site to work with us and we are grateful to accompany this great company, world leader in waste management, as their grow their business in Asia. The Reliability article is a reprise of the popular “The importance of maintenance to low cost manufacturing”, a piece I previously wrote for a magazine. Siveco Partners is an update on our business model for Korean EPC companies and a call for more partners in the region. Tips & Tricks provides an overview of the three levels of embedded map (GIS integration) in bluebee® cloud. Finally, you will find all our latest news including our support team trip to Taiwan, Christmas cosplay party and the newborn Siveco babies.


It is said that “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy”. Whichever star in the east you follow, may you have a Merry Christmas in the warmth of you family.


On behalf of the entire Siveco China team, I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Bruno Lhopiteau
General Manager
Siveco China


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