The first step on the road to improvement
Dear Reader,
A maintenance assessment, also called “audit”, is always the first step on the road to maintenance improvement (which incidentally it is the title we gave to our book of customer stories published last month).
Few companies have the ability to carry out this assessment in-house or may prefer consultants who can provide an external view based on international standards, benchmarks and experience across a large number of projects.
This month, our newsletter editorial team has decided to focus on the maintenance assessment, as we seem to receive more and more requests for assessments. In China, as a direct result of the economic slowdown, the so-called “new normal”, companies in all industrial sectors are now paying more attention to maintenance.

This part of our business is also growing outside of China: I am pleased to say I am writing this foreword from the “304 Industry Park” in Prachinburi, Thailand, where we are conducting a week-long assessment of maintenance performance and defining a multi-year improvement plan for an international process manufacturing plant.
This month’s two Reliability articles explain the Siveco approach to maintenance assessment and how it can be used to justify maintenance improvement projects. The Customer story section groups several short audit stories. You will also read more about Siveco people activities and our Latest News. The other sections (Tips & Tricks, Partner) will return next month!
Greetings from Thailand!
Bruno Lhopiteau
General Manager
Siveco China
General Manager
Siveco China
Tags: standards、assessment