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Smart O&M for infrastructures – Case studies in China and on the Belt & Road

Dear Readers,


Our new case study book: Smart O&M for infrastructures – Case studies in China and on the Belt & Road has been released!


Over the past decades, China has built up its infrastructures to an unprecedented scale and with unprecedented speed. Maintenance was never ignored, contrary to popular belief, in fact it was tackled through standardization and quality improvements, yet it was certainly not at the top of the agenda.


Recent years have seen growing awareness of the importance of good technical management practices, in relation to safety, environmental compliance and sustainability. Cost containment has also become a priority. The last “Maintenance in China” survey put numbers on this evolution:


85% of respondents have a maintenance strategy
94% pay more attention to maintenance than before
95% see maintenance as “industrial risk management” (not just fixing what’s broken)


As part of what is known today as the Belt and Road Initiative, this unique Chinese experience and capability is put to work to help industrialize other developing nations for mutual benefits. Most projects involve know-how, technologies and people from the country in which it is built, from China and from other parts of the world.


Siveco has been a fellow-traveler of Chinese utilities and infrastructures for over two decades. Some of our team members, me included, have been working with Chinese infrastructures since the mid-1990s. The company itself was founded in 2004 to provide “smart” or “4.0” technologies for O&M. We have taken part in numerous greenfield projects all over China to help develop systematic maintenance management from day one, using our expertise and technologies. We have deployed the same approach on existing infrastructures, often large multi-site companies operating both old (aging) and new equipment. We started working with Chinese EPCs on export markets long before the Belt & Road term was coined. Our asset management consulting team is active in projects as far as Africa. The innovative Maintenance 4.0 technologies we have developed in our Shanghai R&D center have won numerous awards and are widely used by customers.


This book is about customers. As we have always done, we believe that simply sharing our experience, sharing our customer stories, will continue to help raise awareness of how smart O&M positively contributes to society in the New Era.



Also in this month’s newsletter, our Latest News and, for your entertainment, photos from the 2017 Siveco Cartoon & Anime Christmas Party and Celebrating the Epiphany.


I hope you enjoy our stories. Do not hesitate to share the book with your friends and to contact us for projects in China and on the Belt & Road!


Best Wishes,


Bruno Lhopiteau
Managing Director
Siveco China


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