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bluebee® cloud: BIM and Facilities Management: why and how?

Posted on 2013-03-29

bluebee® cloud: BIM and Facilities Management: why and how?

Building information modeling (BIM) is a process involving the generation and management of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. The resulting building information models become shared knowledge resources to support decision-making about a facility from earliest conceptual stages, through design and construction, through its operational life and eventual demolition.

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bluebee®, Product of the Year 2012!

Posted on 2013-02-27

bluebee®, Product of the Year 2012!

The Year of the Snake has started and, just like the snake sheds its skin in spring, our “Maintenance in China” newsletter has a new banner. We hope you like it! December 2012 and January 2013 were eventful months during which we were delighted to receive several prestigious awards.

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Optimizing technicians’ schedules and routes in bluebee® with GeoConcept

Posted on 2013-02-27

Optimizing technicians’ schedules and routes in bluebee® with GeoConcept

This month’s partner article features GIS supplier GeoConcept, which provides embedded GIS components for bluebee® cloud and bluebee®.

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What is bluebee® cloud?

Posted on 2013-02-27

What is bluebee® cloud?

bluebee® cloud is Siveco’s cloud computing platform for large multisite facility owners and service companies. A full Risk Prevention / Facilities Management / Maintenance management solution in its own rights, bluebee® cloud also acts as the synchronization platform for the mobile solution bluebee® “for the worker of tomorrow”.

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bluebee®, the movie

Posted on 2012-11-30

bluebee®, the movie

This month’s newsletter revolves around the bluebee® movie we created for a mobile solution competition held by hardware supplier Motorola. The 3-minute film was entirely produced and directed by Siveco, with an all-Siveco cast. Making this little movie turned out to be a lot of fun, in the true Siveco tradition of “maintenance can be fun”.

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Cost savings with bluebee®

Posted on 2012-11-30

Cost savings with bluebee®

In this month’s reliability article, we take our readers through the benefits of using bluebee®, as shown in the bluebee® movie.

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