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Demo movie: practical use of BIM for O&M

Building information modelling (BIM) refers to the development of tridimensional digital representations of facilities. A lot of hype surrounds the actual usage of BIM for Operation and Maintenance. The much-repeated demo scenario involving a maintenance technician navigating inside a 3D view of the facility to find a piece of equipment and to view live parameters makes little practical sense. Indeed, most maintenance activities do not require opening a BIM model (or a traditional drawing). Instead, how could the BIM model be made available to technicians when it is truly needed (for example to prepare complex work and ensure safe actions) and where it is needed (for example starting from work instructions displayed on a mobile device)? Since 2011, Siveco China has conducted R&D in its Shanghai bluebee® lab to address the emerging needs of BIM for O&M. In this 2-min video, we will show how to use a BIM model embedded in bluebee® X in practice for real O&M work.


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