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Maintenance in China, why a newsletter?

Welcome to the first issue our Siveco China monthly newsletter! It will be obvious to everyone receiving this that we at Siveco China like challenges: “Maintenance in China” is indeed an ambitious theme; our target audience is extremely diverse spanning industries, job positions, and nationalities (we counted 13 different nationalities among our customers!); the email newsletter format also requires us to keep articles short and to-the-point.


This newsletter is aimed primarily at people we already know, i.e. mostly our existing customers. It is the result of realizing that, past the initial project and in spite of regular follow-up audits, we did not keep in touch with our clients very well. For example, we found that some of our most faithful CMMS customers, who have been working with us for years, were not aware of our reliability engineering offering.


This newsletter is one of the means we have identified to better inform our customer base, share project experience, methodologies or even simply ideas. There is more to come, as I am convinced we should promote exchanges between customers from the same or different industries.


In this first issue, we will touch on the application of international maintenance standards in China; you will read a testimonial from one of our early China customers (SCIP Swire SITA Waste Services); we are reproducing articles from our quarterly Siveco Group newsletter (also available for download) about joint projects with ABB; the COSWIN Tips & Tricks section features the utilization of diagrams; and finally a summary of the latest Siveco China news. The newsletter ends with a short one-minute online survey.


Note that you can forward to your colleagues and they can register for the Chinese version (link on top).


Your comments, suggestions and critics are all very welcome. I would also like to take this opportunity to call for contributions – we would like to see short articles from customers or partners in future issues. I hope you enjoy the newsletter!


Bruno Lhopiteau
General Manager
Siveco China


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