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Coswin 8i customization tools in action

Posted on 2016-10-26

Customers operating in very specific industries may have requirements to record data that do not exist in a standard CMMS, due to their specific processes or government regulations, certifications and standards. In 99% of the cases, the requirements are not functional: they involve adding new data fields, creating new screens or changing existing screen...

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Coswin: Personalisation tools

Posted on 2016-05-31

This months tips & tricks covers the powerful “personalisation” tools of Coswin, which we use to simply the user interface of the system and prove to be immensely valuable for projects in China, where many maintenance staff may have never used a CMMS before. Customers can make further use of those tools to modify or improve their user interface in the future, without involvement from...

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Scheduling with Coswin 8i: the Organizer tool

Posted on 2016-05-03

In this Tips & Tricks, we would like to briefly outline the Coswin 8i Scheduling tool. For more on the differences between Planning and Scheduling, see this Reliability article. Talk to your Siveco consultant for more details! There are two main ways to use this advanced scheduling...

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Coswin 8i functional overview

Posted on 2016-04-08

This month’s Tips &Tricks gives a functional overview of our plant maintenance solution Coswin 8i, covers assets management, work management, resources management, stock management, purchase management, metrology, project management, multiple organization management and workflow...

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Using Coswin 8i on a tablet

Posted on 2015-12-03

Coswin 8i is now accessible on tablets. In touch-screen mode, Coswin 8i screens are optimized for the tablets smaller screen format and specific touch-screen usage with fingers. Coswin 8i is certified for Windows 7 & 8 and Android 4.2 and above tablets, running Chrome version 30 or above. Screen should be minimum 7’’ (10’’...

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Flexibility of Coswin 8i

Posted on 2015-06-02

Today, maintenance processes are no longer limited to the factory or the maintenance department: they are collaborative. For this reason, Coswin 8i Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) allows for interactions with other applications and Siveco provides a range of standard tools to integrate the system into the corporate IT...

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