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The season is upon us now

Dear Friends,


Once more, we have come to this special time of the year. We have set up the Christmas tree at the office and at home. For me, Christmas always brings back childhood memories of family members reunited on snowy days. In this time of the year, I think about my family and friends. I also think about the extended Siveco family, our team and their loved ones.


Siveco China was built by the combined hard work, dedication and persistence of a team of young men and women, working towards a common goal, for many years. I have always said that the primary purpose of our company is the well-being of our people and their families. This family feeling we have in the company is not to be underestimated, it is one of the driving forces behind our success.


The holiday season is also a very good period for business in China. Business is tough, all year long, but deals often get signed in the very last days of December. This year is somehow different, as we seem to observe an increasing awareness of maintenance. This may partly be the result of our long-lasting bluebee® roadshow and our relentless efforts to explain how our customers achieve ROI through maintenance improvement. Our client base has indeed grown considerably over the years – we now work with close to 600 sites all over the country and a dozen outside of China. Some of them have achieved fantastic results – we recently visited Essilor and Nokia, two brilliant examples of maintenance improvement. We will continue to share our experience and that of our customers through roadshow and conferences, and of course in this monthly newsletter. This ability and willingness to share has been, without a doubt, one of the “secrets” of our success.


What else have we done this year? We have continued to invest in local R&D – we are in fact the only international CMMS vendor with R&D teams in China. The bluebee® cloud solution for multisite facility owners or FM companies, entirely developed in Shanghai, is amazing in terms of scalability and flexibility. It seamlessly integrates with the bluebee® mobile applications “for the technician of tomorrow”. Watch out for new mobile innovations in the beginning of 2012… We have also grown our activities in the Western provinces of China, with projects in Ningxia and Sichuan. As I write these words, I am actually in Chengdu for a conference and customers’ meetings. Expect more on that soon… In a word, year 2011 has been: exciting. Is this excitement, the feeling we are doing something interesting, innovative, useful for society, another reason for our success? I have always thought so.


For this special holiday’s edition of our “Maintenance in China” newsletter, we are very proud to welcome two distinguished guests, for a Reliability article dedicated to Lean Manufacturing: Tom Harada and Art Smalley, both well-known figures in the world of Lean and TPM, kindly allowed us to publish one of their interviews on equipment maintenance. The Customer article features iron pipe maker Saint-Gobain Pipelines in Maanshan (Anhui province). Tips & Tricks, for the first time, talks about a bluebee® cloud functionality (the widgets). The Partner section has been left out this month, as our VAPP team is busy in Sichuan for a major event. Finally, a summary of our Latest News.


There may be no bells, no Christmas carols, no snow (not in Shanghai at least) but, as the year draws to a close, I would like to thank all the people who contribute to the ongoing success of Siveco China. There is still a tough road ahead, but we enjoy it, our efforts are clearly paying off, the future looks bright. Thank you so much. I would like to wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May your wishes come true! Happiness and good health for you and yours!


Merry Christmas, everyone!


Bruno Lhopiteau
General Manager
Siveco China


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