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Siveco China Newsletter July-August 2018 | 阅读本期和以往中文版新闻通讯
The Smart O&M newsletter is taking it easy for the summer! We hope you enjoy this very light summer edition and have a brilliant summer!
Siveco people

Siveco China management meeting at Yinxi Tea House

On July 13, Siveco China held its half-year management meeting at the Yinxi Tea House in Shanghai, a traditional place bringing you the unique flavor of tea in the noisy city. Our 10-people management team gathered to review company performance and make decisions for the second half of the year.


A pleasant 2-day trip to Mogan Mountain

To escape Shanghai’s scorching heat, part of the Siveco team went to Mogan Mountain for a 2-day outing on July 14-15. Mogan Mountain, in Zhejiang Province, is a famous mountain resort known for its cool temperatures.


Siveco China celebrates the French National Day & World Cup Victory

As one of the traditions in Siveco China, our team held a big party in Shanghai office to celebrate French National Day, which officially falls on July 14. Almost two thirds of the team were missing, busy on trips and projects, but some of our kids joined the party.

Siveco news

Siveco brings Maintenance 4.0 solutions to the 2nd China International Solid Waste Summit (Beijing, Sept. 9-11th)

On September 6-7th, Siveco China's team of Asset Management expert will attend the 2nd China International Solid Waste Summit in Beijing, which will gather a large number of industry professionals from leading companies.


Evolution of the Chinese Smart Water market – Feedback of Qingdao International Water Conference 2018

On June 28, the China Europe Water Platform (CEWP) invited Siveco China's Operation Director Guillaume Gimonet to give a presentation on "Smart water: market trends regarding tenders and design of solutions" at the Qingdao International Water Conference.


The European Parliament renews its confidence in Siveco Group

The European Parliament have used Coswin (CMMS/EAM) since 2005 to manage the maintenance of their Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxemburg facilities. Once again they have shown their confidence in Siveco Group by continuing their existing contract.


Two PPP Waste-to-Energy plants in Jiangsu province implement Siveco's Smart O&M solutions

Two Waste-to-Energy plants, currently under construction in East China's Jiangsu province, have selected Siveco to implement its Smart O&M solutions. The energy plants are developed under public-private partnership (PPP) programs.


Samsung C&T selects Siveco China for Combined Cycle Power Plant in Algeria

Korean EPC Samsung C&T selected Siveco China to deliver the integrated CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) and DMS (Document Management System) for the 1,163MW Naama Combined Cycle Power Plant currently under construction in Algeria.

Our mailing address is:
Siveco China
Unit J, 20th floor, Zao Fong Universe Building, Zhong Shan (W) Road
Tel: +86  21 6440 3226
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