To all our readers, our customers, our partners and their families, we would like to wish a happy and prosperous New Year! May the year of the Dragon bring joy, good health and new development opportunities to all of you!
Our newsletter team is taking a rest this month, after an eventful year running after Rabbits, getting ready to chase the Dragon instead! Not to worry, the joint January-February newsletter will be released in the last week of February, packed with the usual article and news. The December newsletter itself was quite a piece of work - the Lean Manufacturing article got plenty of positive feedback - and we realize some of you may need more time to read it!
In spite of millenarian traditions, this year for us is likely to be the year of the blue bee, or should I say the bluebee®! You have heard about it, many of you have seen it: our mobile solution, the proud result of our local R&D effort launched in 2008, at the top of the previous financial crisis. bluebee® has been deployed to several large clients both in the manufacturing segment (with a back-office CMMS such as COSWIN, Maximo or SAP) and the facility management segment (with our bluebee® cloud back-office, which has already been rolled out to two large multisite property companies totaling over 400 sites). Our largest customer Changcheng Property Group boasts over 500 mobile users all over China and is currently expanding the scope of bluebee® to connect with their CRM system. Our team went around China, spreading the news with the bluebee® roadshow. Considering the excellent response both from existing customers and new prospects, we are confident that this new year will bring astonishing development in this area!
It is time to get ready for the holidays, to go home and spend time with family and friends. On behalf of the entire Siveco team, I would like to wish you again a very bright and successful Year of the Dragon!
Bruno Lhopiteau
General Manager
Siveco China