Dear Readers,
We decided to publish the November 2016 issue on the theme of “Maintenance 4.0” in magazine format, with printed copies and pdf versions available to subscribers (download links below). In the era of the China Dream, there is now widespread awareness of safety, sustainability and their relation to maintenance. Maintenance as Risk Prevention. Here is this month's table of content:
Foreword |
Maintenance 4.0 for sustainable China
Reliability |
Maintenance 4.0, for the worker of tomorrow
Implementing a CMMS during plant construction
Customer stories |
Optimizing water supply assets with field inspections on mobiles
Life-cycle support for Hanas New Energy LNG Plant
Tips & tricks |
Enabling BIM for Lifecycle Management with bluebee® cloud for Revit®
Latest news |
Beijing Capital selects Siveco for ISO 55000 asset management consulting
Baosteel Gases wins prize for Coswin 8i multisite CMMS project
Download the PDF file in English | Chinese version.
Feel free to contact us for printed copies (just email our marketing at info@sivecochina.com) !
Business Development Director
Siveco China